Technical Content prepared for SIGGRAPH from Intel & Industry Leaders highlighting Ray-Tracing and other Innovations

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Group location: Santa Clara, CA, USA

Thumb bikerme

Eric Mantion , Owner

Chandler, AZ, USA


A Repository for all Intel Technical Content prepared for SIGGRAPH 2020

Members (24)

Bigger 19429823102109476029383497238463766068694223n
  • Projects 7
  • Followers 45

Marc Potocnik

Marc Potocnik is a German designer and founder of animation studio renderbaron. renderbaron specialises in the production of high-quality 3d-animation and visual effects for a wide range of high profile companies including ZDF, Audi, Siemens, BMW, a.o. Marc studied communications-design at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf entering the world of 3D with Cinema 4D R4 in 1997. He founded renderbaron in 2001 and went on to become an authority in Shading, Lighting and Rendering with Cinema 4D. Marc is qualified as a Maxon Certified Lead Instructor and has correspondingly written the Maxon QuickStart Training "Shading, Lighting & Rendering". He also regularly shares his knowledge at conferences around the world including Siggraph, IBC and FMX.


Bigger bikerme
  • Projects 3
  • Followers 46

Eric Mantion (Intel)

Global Community Manager for Intel's Game Dev Program, former nuclear submarine officer and part time comic and full time biker in my free time.

Chandler, Arizona

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