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DroidLab is your one-stop group for taking part in everything Android. Hop in for a ride into the realms of the Android world!
Group location: India
What is DroidLab?
DroidLab is your one-stop group for taking part in everything Android. This group covers Android OS, Apps, SDK, Android Things, Android Wear, Android TV, Android Auto, DayDream and ARCore. If you are interested in any of the these and want to talk about it with the people of the same interest or just really want to try them out, this is the place for you.
Checkout the wikipedia page about Android: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_(operating_system) Official website: https://www.android.com/
I am Arjun (www.arjuninventor.com), a teen entrepreneur [Founder & President of LateraLogics Innovations (www.LateraLogics.com)], a technology solutions company I founded in 2013, with a goal to come up with everyday solutions which will help make our world a better place. I'm mainly known for Locatera (www.Locatera.com), my award-winning school transport management mobile app solution. I'm presently pursuing my 'B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering (Hons)' at Lovely Professional University (www.lpu.in) in Jalandhar, Punjab. More details about me and my company are available at my personal profile page at www.arjuninventor.com.
Native C/C++, Java and Python developer with more than 15 years in developing with Object Oriented Programming. Love invention and challenges gives me strength
An AI Entrepreneur, Founder, Innovator, CEO, Managing Director, CAIO, Machine Learning Practitioner, ML SW Engineer, Data Scientist - ML, AI Researcher @ DeepBrainz Technologies, A DPIIT Recognized AI Startup Company, A Google Cloud Partner Member, Kaggle Master, Agile AnalyticsOps SW Engineer, AI Product Manager, AI/ML - OSS Developer, Objectivist: Future Influencer
Nishant is an Android Engineer and open source enthusiast who spends his time doodling when not hacking on Android. He is a caffeine-dependent life-form and can be found either talking about android libraries or advocating that coffee is the elixir of life at community gatherings.
Mohammad Shojafar (S'13-M'17-SM'19) is Senior Lecturer (Associate professor) in the Network Security, an Intel Innovator, a Senior IEEE member, working in the 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) at the University of Surrey, UK. Before joining 5GIC, he was a Senior Researcher and a Marie Curie Fellow in the SPRITZ Security and Privacy Research group at the University of Padua, Italy. He was a Senior Researcher working in a network security project (~11 months) jointly with Ryerson University and Telus Communications Inc (TELUS) in Toronto, Canada, in 2019. Also, he was CNIT Senior Researcher at the University of Rome Tor Vergata contributed to 5G PPP European H2020 ‘‘SUPERFLUIDITY’’ project. He is a PI on PRISENODE project, a 275,000 euro Horizon 2020 Marie Curie project in the areas of network security and Fog computing and resource scheduling collaborating between the University of Padua and the University of Melbourne. He also was a PI an Italian SDN security and privacy (60,000 euro) project supported by the University of Padua in 2018 and a Co-PI on an Ecudiarain-British project on IoT and Industry 4.0 resource allocation (20,000 dollars) in 2020. He also contributed to some Italian projects in telecommunications like GAUChO—A Green Adaptive Fog Computing and Networking Architecture (400,000 euro), and SAMM- Clouds- Secure and Adaptive Management of Multi-Clouds (30,000 euro) collaborating among Italian universities. He received a Ph.D. in ICT from Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, in 2016 with an ’’Excellent’’ degree. His main research interests are in the area of Computer Networks, Network Security, and Privacy. In this area, he published more than 130+ papers in topmost international peer-reviewed journals and conferences, e.g., IEEE TCC, IEEE TNSM, IEEE TII, IEEE T-ITS, IEEE TGCN, IEEE TSUSC, IEEE Network, IEEE SMC, IEEE PIMRC, and IEEE ICC/GLOBECOM. He served as a PC member of several prestigious conferences, including IEEE INFOCOM Workshops, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICC, IEEE UCC, IEEE ScalCom, and IEEE SMC. He was GC in FMEC 2019, INCoS 2019, INCoS 2018, and a Technical Program Chair in IEEE FMEC 2020. He served as an Associate Editor in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, IEEE Systems, IET Communication, Springer Cluster Computing journals.
Created: 11/02/2018
Created: 08/02/2019