World Economic Dataset
- 0 Collaborators
Performed the data analysis using MS Excel to find out how a country can sustainable growth. ...learn more
Project status: Concept
Intel Technologies
Overview / Usage
- The highest GDP according to country/region calculated was $394,000,000,000.00 of
• The factors a country should focus on to sustain GDP are- tourism inbound, tourism
outbound, energy usage, co2 emissions, lending interest, health exp% gdp and health
• We have seen some factors with which GDP has the positive correlation. This means that the
value of GDP increases with the increase in the values of these factors. These factors includetotal
population, health exp % gdp and health exp/capita.
• Apart from this we have seen the positive correlation(i.e. increase in value of one factor with
the value of other factor) in:- life expectancy of female and that of male, energy usage vs co2
emissions, birth rate vs infant mortality rate and tourism inbound vs tourism outbound.