The Doctor Assistant
- 0 Collaborators
The Doctor Assistant Skill for Alexa: A conversational voice user interfaces (VUI) to provide medical and dental professionals with Healthcare Virtual Assistants (HVAs) to improve workflow, save time, and make more money by removing the burden of in-room EMR documentation and other back-office tasks. ...learn more
Project status: Concept
Artificial Intelligence, PC Skills
Early Innovation for PC Skills
Intel Technologies
Intel CPU
Overview / Usage
The Doctor Assistant may help hospital staff with Electronic Medical Record (EMR) capturing. According Reuters Health, Doctors who entered data into computerized health records during patients’ appointments did less positive communicating, and patients rated their care excellent less often, in recent studies. Furthermore, many clinicians worry that electronic health records keep them from connecting with their patients. Also, Doctors who used the computer more also spent more time correcting or disagreeing with patients. In addition, Doctors who spend most of the time looking at the computer may miss out on an emotional connection with the patient.
When people are paying attention to the same thing at the same time, you get the best transmission of information. Technology in the exam room is neither good nor bad inherently, but doctors can use specific techniques to help patients get comfortable with it. One such technique that may be used is the Doctor Assistant Skill for Alexa: A conversational voice user interfaces (VUI) to provide medical and dental professionals with Healthcare Virtual Assistants (HVAs) to improve workflow, save time, and make more money by removing the burden of in-room EMR documentation and other back-office tasks.
User: "Alexa, launch The Doctor Assistant"
Alexa: Ask me to...
- List Patient Health Records
- Create new Patient Health Record
- Edit a Patient’s Health Record
User: "Alexa List Patient Health Records"
Alexa: "Here is your list of files "
User: "Alexa, Ask Doctor Assistant to create a file called Mol Nakampe"
Alexa: "We created a Patient Health Record named Mol Nakampe"
User: "Alexa, Ask Doctor Assistant to edit Patient Health Record Mol Nakampe with Blood Type A"
Alexa: "We updated the Patient Health Record named Mol Nakampe with your input of Blood Type A"
Methodology / Approach
The project is developed using an Intel-based machine, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda and Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) a collection of self-service APIs and tools to build Alexa Skills.
Project is built using the .NET Framework for apps that run on Windows.
Technologies Used
Intel Core i7 8th Gen
Intel HD Graphics
Amazon Web Services
Windows 10
MS Visual Studio 2019
.NET Framework