Safe Rider - A must needed tool for Indian Driving Conditions
- 0 Collaborators
The report Road Accidents in India 2016 [10] published by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India, says that about 16000 accidents were caused by bad roads. During the rainy seasons, the visibility of the roads is hindered by the water logging. Thus, having an insight about the road conditions before taking a route becomes a necessity. Our work aims at providing the real-time road condition data and notifies the rider about any hazards on his route. The crowdsourcing model involves the drivers to gather the road condition data that is acquired analyzing the live IMU sensor data of their smartphones while driving. The road anomaly information is updated in the common cloud database and made is available for every other rider using the system. Using this information from the crowdsourced cloud database, our navigation system helps safely navigate the riders ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Overview / Usage
The proposed system consists of three main modules as described in the illustration presented as cover image The first is the Sensor module which retrieves and processes the data from the sensors. The second is the Cloud Database module where all the pothole details are stored and retrieved. And the third is the Crash Alert module which sends the SOS signal.
Methodology / Approach
Safe Rider is built on the Android platform which provides the APIs for Google Maps Service. The Google Maps navigation is integrated into the application where the source which is the current location and destination can be specified to use the service. To begin using the application, the initial one-time setup requires specifying credentials and emergency contacts. Then the application starts the navigation service which runs in parallel along with the sensor module which keeps collecting real-time sensor data from accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer. Meanwhile, the driver is informed about the existing distortions on the roads. In the case of detecting a pothole or a bump, the location where it is detected and its extremity are recorded and saved to the cloud database and made available for other users as well. The map is periodically updated with the newly added data.
The sensor module also checks for any event of crash and detects it based on the threshold values. During the event of crash, the GPS coordinates of the current location are captured and SOS messages are transmitted across the emergency rescue teams in the nearby hospitals. Then, the message along with the location is sent to the family and friends contacts that were specified initially in the application.
Technologies Used