Running real-time style trasnfer on a Raspberry Pi (4B-1GB)
- 0 Collaborators
The project uses a light-weight Style Transfer model and runs that on real-time video feeds. The whole project is executed on a Raspberry Pi to enable to use of deep learning on embedded devices. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Intel Technologies
Intel Python
Overview / Usage
The project showcases the use of light-weight TensorFlow Lite models on a Raspberry Pi computer. It runs a style-transfer model on real-time video feeds.
Methodology / Approach
Grabbed the official TFLite models on Style Transfer. We need to use two models here - one for extracting the style vectors and another one for applying that style vector to stylize a given image.
Ported those two models to Raspberry Pi and used PyImageSearch's highly parallel `imutils` to handle the live video frames and apply the TFLite models for running inference in parallel.
Technologies Used