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This is one of my free art work renderings i finished recently. As a CGI rendering it was created with Cinema 4D and Corona Render. ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Graphics and Media, Digital Art
Creators Artists
Intel Technologies
Intel CPU
Overview / Usage
Projects like this are free from customers needs and requests. This gives me the possibility to get the best out of it without looking for commercial boundries. It´s my kind of visual laboratory....
Methodology / Approach
One of the essential features is the usage of high resoluted image based textures in order to simulate materials in a realistic manner. The other point is the structure of meshes here. In total this scene has a polycount of approximately 25 million polygons in order to let displacement happen in a propper way. Illuminationwise it is created with a combination of a main light source, a HDRI-image for secondary reflections and global illumination for the indirect lighting.
The result is a quiete hardware demandig rendering process.
Technologies Used
The rendering was done via distributed rendering on two identical workstations with dual socket multicore xeons ( i don´t know when i used single-cores the last time..:). This kind of hardware structure is absolutely necessary for this sort of workflow when it comes to the final rendering in high resolution. Each machine had a ram consumption of about 35 Gb, each. Due to the fact that the render engine used is a path traycer a final denoising process is involved. Intels denoising code did a quiete good job here.
I added some wip renderings and image render passes to give an impression of the complex nature of this image calculation.