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Alexa Skills for the PC to play the right set of picture when you ask for it. Base use case: You are hosting a friendly dinner, you ask your pc: Alexa, show me the picture of the last trip to Italy! And there we go, a nice slide show is playing while you talk about your wildest adventure! ...learn more

Project status: Concept

Graphics and Media, PC Skills

Early Innovation for PC Skills

Intel Technologies
AI DevCloud / Xeon, Intel Python

Overview / Usage

How many times at a dinner someone wants to show pictures of their recent trip to friends?
How many times they dig into the photo gallery on their phone and then they are forced to pass hand by hand the phone to all the friends?
Wouldn't be easier to ask to the pc laying idling on the kitchen desk to just show the picture of the last trip?
Or that particular picture taken that day?

This Alexa skill will do just this. It will play a nice slideshow of the images you want.

You: Alexa, show me the pictures of the last trip to Italy!
Alexa: Here the picture of Monteriggioni and Siena.

You: Alexa, show me last monday photos.
Alex: Here a picture taken in Milan.

Methodology / Approach

I'm going to use the metadata embedded in pictures to provide context to the slideshow app, and when the user ask for a particular set of photo I'll use this data to pic the right one. Location, time, filename and eventually annotated image with information like faces, object and other data will be used to provide the user the picture they asked for.

I'm going to develop a lightweight slideshow app and use already developed backed to fetch the user pictures stored on the pc or in cloud.

Future development could include travel maps integration and AI to refine searches.

Technologies Used

Intel based PCs
Cloud based photo storage API.

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