People Flow Management
- 0 Collaborators
Face recognition technology can detect people’s faces in live video streams or video footage and store anonymous information for each appearance of a person in front of a camera. Analysis of this information over time allows the software to compute people count, demographical information, people movement in time and space, and to detect frequent visitors and crowds. ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Overview / Usage
The approach presented here for face detection and tracking decreases the computation time producing results with high accuracy. Tracking of a face in a video sequence is done using KLT algorithm whereas Viola Jones is used for detecting facial features. Not only in video sequences, it has also been tested on live video using a webcam. Using this system many security and surveillance systems can be developed and required object can be traced down easily. In the coming days these algorithms can be used to detect a particular object rather than faces. Future work is to work on the same domain but to track a particular face in a video sequence. That is like avoiding all other faces except the face required. To track the facial feature points, Pyramidal Lucas-Kanade Feature Tracker KLT algorithm is used. Using detected points with the algorithm of Shi and Tomasi, we have got good results in video sequence and in real time acquisition. The obtained results indicate that the proposed algorithm can accurately extract facial features points.
Methodology / Approach
The cascade object detector uses the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi algorithm to detect people's faces, noses, eyes, mouth, or upper body. One can also use the Training Image Labeler to train a custom classifier to use with this System object. Computer Vision Tools provides algorithms, functions, and apps for designing and simulating computer vision and video processing systems. You can perform feature detection, extraction, and matching; object detection and tracking; motion estimation; and video processing. For 3-D computer vision, the system toolbox supports camera calibration, stereo vision, 3-D reconstruction, and 3-D point cloud processing. With machine learning based frameworks, you can train object detection, object recognition, and image retrieval systems. Algorithms are available as MATLAB functions, System objects, and Simulink blocks. For rapid prototyping and embedded system design, the system toolbox supports fixed-point arithmetic and C-code generation.
Technologies Used
Camera, MATLAB