Patient Pulse and Temperature Monitoring IOT Based System
- 0 Collaborators
With the help of this Project, we'd be able to detect and reduce the chances of heart failure by continuously monitoring the health of the patient with the help of this device. The doctor will keep a track of the Patient's health by observing the patterns on ThingSpeak. This increases the quality of life and reduces the probability of fatal life situations. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Overview / Usage
In the world of exponentially growing technologies, IOT is continuing to make its mark in almost every sector that exists. IOT and its applications have completely revolutionaries the way the world operates now. It’s crucial to support the correctness and completeness of our daily needs. Nowadays, it has become a very time absorbing task for both doctor and patient to monitor his/her health and progress report. To overcome this major problem IOT plays a major role by introducing RPM system. With the help of RPM, the doctor can monitor the patient’s health without the patient visiting him. It increases access to health services with minimal cost and time while increasing the efficiency and number of patients that the doctor can look after. This project has given us the opportunity to make an efficient remote patient monitoring system which measures heartbeat and temperature of the patient and records it on a centralized server, thereby increasing the quality of life.
Methodology / Approach
This project is designed to make a working device for monitoring the patient’s temperature and heartbeat with the help of sensors. I'm trying to solve the issue of health ignorance by using this portable device that records temperature and heartbeat of a patient and in case of any issue, the doctor is reported and measures can be taken before any mishappening occurs, thereby increasing the quality of life. We achieve this by first making the connections in the Arduino UNO R3 and testing the working of these sensors. Thereby, moving on to coding for the sensors on Arduino IDE and uploading the code on ThingSpeak server. After this, visualize the temperature and Heartbeat on the ThingSpeak, with the help of MATLAB. The doctor shall be able to monitor this record of patient's health.
Technologies Used
We're using the Arduino UNO R3, Temperature sensor DS18B20, Heartbeat Sensor, Wifi-Module ESP8266, ThingSpeak server, Embedded C, MATLAB, Arduino IDE.breadboard, jumper wire
The connection of Temperature sensor to Arduino UNO R3
The connection of heartbeat sensor to Arduino UNO R3
The connection of ESP8266 Wifi-Module to transfer the data on ThingSpeak cloud
Visualizing the data on ThingSpeak using MATLAB