
Avinash Kori

Avinash Kori

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

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This repository contains the implementation of convolutional neural network for optic disk and cup segmentation and glaucoma screening from given fundus images ...learn more

Project status: Published/In Market

Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage


Images were cropped to the nearest square size and re-sized to a dimension of (512, 512). The different lighting conditions and intensity variations among images across various databases were circumvented by perform-ing normalization of the histogram using Contrast Limited Adaptive HistogramEqualization (CLAHE). 2 different images were generated by varying parameters such as clip value & window level while performing CLAHE. Along with CLAHE, spatial co-ordinates information was also provided to the network. This additional information aided in learning relative features (i.e. disk location with respect to the fovea)

Network Architecture

57 layered deep network was used for segmentation of optic disk and cup.

Methodology / Approach

automated tools box for optic disk segmentation

Technologies Used




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