Quick Planner
- 0 Collaborators
You can type in your plans or deadlines , including time, place, partners, etc. A calendar or a timeline (according to your choice) of your plans will be drawn automatically. If you want, you can set types and priorities of your plans, and distinguish them with different colors or typefaces. ...learn more
Project status: Concept
Intel Technologies
Overview / Usage
Setting the plans one by one is annoying, and synchronization between different devices ( computer, phone, iPad, FPGA, etc. ) is in need. This project can easily and quickly set and visualize your plans, and link them to other tools ( alarm, map, navigation, etc. ) . You only need to type in like " Swim, 3/8/2021, 14:00-16:00, 12:30 alarm, Zhejiang University, with John, entertainment.".