Movie Ratings Prediction server

Animesh Sharma

Animesh Sharma

Mesra, Jharkhand

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  • 0 Collaborators

LSTM based movie ratings prediction server written in Python using Flask. ...learn more

Project status: Concept

Artificial Intelligence

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

The movie ratings prediction server predicts the rating (5-star rating) of a movie based on a text input, i.e. the review. Python and Flask have been used to run the server and to let the server interact with the user. The frontend has been designed using basic HTML and Bootstrap.

Methodology / Approach

The movie ratings model was trained using LSTM in Python using the Keras wrapper on Tensorflow backend. The model weights were saved to be used readily for new input data. The frontend of the server was written using basic HTML and bootstrap. The backend was written in Python using Flask framework. When new data was input on the webpage, it was brought to the server where predictions were made using the saved model weights.

Technologies Used

  1. Python
  2. Keras
  3. Tensorflow
  4. LSTM
  5. Flask
  6. HTML
  7. Bootstrap


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