Modelling School Evasion with Reinforcement Learning.
Felipe Antunes
Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro
- 0 Collaborators
The goal of the project is to propose policies for tackling school evasion, by proposing a mean field games model for choices about education. Reinforcement learning will be used to simulate the time evolution of the model. ...learn more
Project status: Concept
Intel Technologies
Intel Python,
Intel Opt ML/DL Framework
Overview / Usage
The goal of the project is to propose policies for tackling school evasion, by proposing a mean field games model, which is a game theoretical model that tries to capture the interactions between single agents and the crowd. The model will take into consideration choices such as spending more time in education (which has a larger payoff in the longer term) versus leaving school to start working (which has a immediate but lower payoff). Mean field game theory has connections to reinforcement learning, which will be used to simulate the time evolution of the model.