Mc Rider and Mc Runner
- 0 Collaborators
Phillips Medical EA ran a campaign dubbed Back to Rhythm aimed at teaching communities in Kenya about the importance of healthy living habits .I was hired as a consultant to build the Mc Runner and rider to help participants ride ,run and win an EAD defibrilator for their public hospitals placesetc. ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Internet of Things
Intel Technologies
Intel NUC
Overview / Usage
Philips Medical EA ran a 6 months campaign dubbed back to Rhythm .They aimed at sensitizing local communities in Kenya about the importance of healthy living ,eating and doing exercise .They needed to donate 25 EAD defibrillator machines to Kenya Red cross their partners to be used in public hospitals ,schools etc but the local community needed to be engaged and work out hard to acquire them.
The problem from a technical standpoint is previous system was built on we technologies with a router which was slow and luggish . I suggested a desktop application running on an Intel Celeron core i5 with inbuilt graphics ,sound ,a touch screen as a console .
The console was teathered to a Arduino mega microcontroller via USB with the Hall and pressure sensors and a magnet instaled on the bikes .An algorithm runns on the device and calculates the speed ,revs per sec and distance cycled or ran . All sensor data is esnt to the cloud and accumulated via an API endpoint from all bikes or runners.
Methodology / Approach
The development of the system included a windows desktop app running on an Intel Atom and Celeron boards with atouch screen Interface . An arduino Mega was used with Hall / Magnetic sensors to capture speed of the bike by calculating the number of revolutions per second of the bike.An Upsquared board was used for prototyping but production required a lower cost device for scalability.
Pressure sensors were used for the Mc Runners .
Frameworks used include .Net core for desktop app ,arduino framework for the firmware running on the Microcontrollers .Standards used included Usb serial while custom physics formulae and basic algorithms to convert the speeds and revolutions of the bike.
Technologies Used
I used the Intel NUC for development of the windows desktop app and arduino . Upsquared board was innitially used for testting and development but not in production due to cost and availability in this market . I am to use it to port the application fully to be able to run on one device.
Visual studion was used for product development /desktop and web API to consume the data
Windows 7 on the console with .Net4.5 ,arduino framework with its libraries .
The hardware included pressure and Hall effect sensors ,arduino mega ,usb cables and an Intel Celeron core i5 console computer with intergrated Graphics ,Touch screens ,inbuilt audio drivers and external cameras .