Machine Learning Experiments with oneAPI
- 0 Collaborators
This book covers all the concepts of Machine Learning with oneAPI. All the codes are built with oneAPI and deployed in the DevCloud ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Overview / Usage
Machine Learning with oneAPI – A Practical Approach
Note: All the implementations are to be demoed with the Intel DevCloud
- Intel oneAPI – An introductory discussion.
a. Why oneAPI?
b. What is there for us with oneAPI?
c. Features and learning resources.
- Intel oneAPI – Toolkits – An exploratory analysis.
a. Intel oneAPI toolkits
b. Details in brief about all the tool kits.
c. References and learning materials.
- Intel DevCloud – Get everything onto cloud.
a. Power of DevCloud
b. Registration process
c. Jupyter notebook and DevCloud
d. DevCloud Commands
- What is Machine Learning? – Introduction.
a. Types of Machine Learning with examples
b. The ML framework
c. Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning.
d. Where to use Machine Learning and where Deep Learning?
- The Tools and Pre-requisites
a. The under- and over-fitting, regularization, and cross-validation.
b. Intel Extension for Scikit-learn
c. Examples and usage.
- Supervised Learning
a. Introduction to Supervised Learning
b. What is regression?
c. Where is regression useful?
d. Steps in regression.
e. Classification problems.
f. K-Nearest Neighbors Walk through and implementation
g. Linear vs. Logistic Regression
h. The metrics - cost functions, regularization, feature selection, and hyper-parameters
i. The importance of bias and variance.
- Support Vector Machines
a. What is SVM?
b. How does it work?
c. Implementation and testing
d. Cost functions of SVM
- Decision Trees
a. What are Decision Trees all about?
b. Classification problem with decision trees.
c. Random Forest Classifier or Decision Trees?
d. Implementation.
- Bagging
a. Why is bagging important?
b. Variance and Bagging – What’s the connect?
c. Implementation
- Boosting and Stacking
a. Variance and Boosting – What is the connect?
- Unsupervised Learning techniques
a. Clustering techniques.
b. Dimensionality reduction.
- Advanced AI Tool Kits.
a. Intel AI Analytics Tool Kit
b. Intel OpenVINO
c. Intel Distribution for Python
d. Intel Machine Learning Tool Kits.
- Case studies.
Methodology / Approach
It is an authored volume of book
Technologies Used
oneAPI, oneDAL, oneDNN, DevCloud