Lane detection for Autonomous Vehicles
- 0 Collaborators
This Project is about Real time lane detection for autonomous vehicles to give them direction. It is very helpful to decide where to go or give proper directions to the autonomous vehicles on highway/road. in this project the car take the real time video and get detected line as output ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Overview / Usage
for self driving cars or other autonoumous vehicles problem is that how to give a proper directions to the vehicle on their rout or highway or road in this project i try to solve this problem by identifying an lines on highway using real time vision system.
Methodology / Approach
Methodology for this project is first i convert image to gray scale image using opencv method after this detection of canny edges is done and than this detected edges go as a input to the other function module where actually detection of lane is done with the help of co-ordinate intersection and average intersection.
here we use HoughLines for remove noise and exact matches.
Technologies Used
Python, openCv Library.