Hydraulic Press System Control

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Building a hydraulic systems control using Intel Edison and potentiometers! ...learn more

Internet of Things

Overview / Usage

My dad does hobbyist rocketry, and will make his own motors at club events out in nevada. But that takes a lot of work, and he has to manually control the press to control the pressure on the rocket motors. That consumes a ton of time, and I want to automate the process for him. This is the first step in that. The goal of this project is to be able to set the goal PSI of the press, and have an in line pressure sensor continually check the PSI. When the PSI of the press reaches the goal PSI set in the computer, the pump reverses direction, and the PSI is brought to 0. In actuality, instead of relays to a pump, either a red light is on, or a green light is on.

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