Human Mind Analyzing Using AI
- 0 Collaborators
Basically its a project to understand how positive or negative a human mind is and analyzing those patterns to get a better overview and find a way to better focused on structured thoughts. ...learn more
Project status: Concept
Overview / Usage
Human mind is too complex to understand. If there’s a way to analyse how humans think and how their thoughts are generated than it will be an immense network of things to understand. A positive mindset has a lot of effects on how an individual think and behaves. So why not look on a way to analyse how positive or negative our mind is and get an overview of how every mind is volatile to some external influence. So, if we assign each positive word some significant values and each negative word some. Just like a dictionary but assigning some values to each word and letters. But each of positive word/letters must have some random sets of variables which are far more different from negative ones. Than analyzing them will give a way to get a rough estimate whether the word is positive or not. In case of a sentence the addition of all the values will result in some values. So, again implying to the result in the algorithm we can check whether it is positive or negative. In case, if the algorithm is developed than we can have a product which can serve a lot to the people. With the implementation to some advance AI and Deep learning algorithms the system can access the mind of people and after analyzing, it can show humans a way to rethink the thoughts in a more positive way.