Finding Pneumo
- 0 Collaborators
As noticed by our team, sometimes doctor’s also get failed to predict whether the patient is having Pneumonia or not by looking at the X-Ray of lungs. So, to overcome it we came with a CNN Model which will predict whether the patient is having Pneumonia or not by just taking the scan image of X-Ray ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Intel Technologies
Intel Integrated Graphics,
Intel Python,
Overview / Usage
As noticed by our team, sometimes doctor’s also get failed to predict whether the patient is having Pneumonia or not by looking at the X-Ray of lungs. So, to overcome it we came with a CNN Model which will predict whether the patient is having Pneumonia or not by just taking the scan image of X-Ray as input with 95% accuracy. We have used dataset of X-Ray images of lungs, for training and testing purpose of our model .
Methodology / Approach
· GoogleNet InceptionV3 Architecture is used for CNN training.
· Tensor flow and Keras are used in backend for prediction purpose .
User need give input of X- Ray image to the software. That will send it to CNN trained model. Then the model will predict is that image is in class 0 or 1. As here classification of image is done. Class 0 means “Normal” and class 1 means “Pneumonia ”
Technologies Used
Language: Intel Python , Java.
Intel GPU used for training the model.
Any Python IDE for prediction.
Google Inception version 3 is used for training the model.
Tensor and keras library is used for back end purpose.
200 No of epoch is for getting more accuracy.