Fighting Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 with Data Science & Machine Learning.
- 0 Collaborators
In December 2019, A novel Coronavirus was found in a seafood wholesale market located in Wuhan, China., On 11 February 2020, WHO announced a name for the new coronavirus disease: COVID-19., And was recognised as a pandemic on 11 March 2020. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
oneAPI, Artificial Intelligence
Intel Technologies
Intel Python,
Intel Opt ML/DL Framework
Overview / Usage
Fighting Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) with Data Science & Machine Learning.
- Find Answers by Analysing & Visualising Data.
- Test Hypothesis.
- Figure The Right Model For Predication.
Methodology / Approach
INTEL Data Science methodology.
Technologies Used
Code in the Cloud - Intel (One API) with High-Performance Python & Data Analytics Library (Intel DAAL).