Learning Engagement Detection for e-Learning Platform
- 0 Collaborators
This app analyzes the facial landmarks of the student to detect the level of engagement while learning ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
oneAPI, Artificial Intelligence
Overview / Usage
e-Learning platforms focus primarily on delivering content. This API focuses on the quality of the platform to measure, track and estimate the amount of in-depth learning actually being provided to the user/student.
Methodology / Approach
The Six Sigma methodology is being used:
Process Mapping - How to connect the user to the API (We are in this stage working with local universities doing research in this field).
Data Collection - Tailoring the API to the user
Data analysis focusing on vital few features using statistical functions
Monitor, Document, Institutionalize/Commercialize
Technologies Used
Hi-resolution camera
API development to be partially funded privately and through applicable grants.
OneAPI gives us a means to stay current with the latest performance of emerging technologies and easily upgrade when/if needed.
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