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Driver drowsiness detection

shubham Goyal

shubham Goyal

Noida, Uttar Pradesh

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  • 0 Collaborators

A computer vision system made with the help of OpenCV that can automatically detect driver drowsiness in a real-time video stream and then play an alarm if the driver appears to be drowsyion, can be used by riders who tends to drive the vehicle for a longer period of time that may lead to accidents ...learn more

Project status: Concept

Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence

Code Samples [1]Links [1]

Overview / Usage

This can be used by riders who tends to drive the vehicle for a longer period of time that may lead to accidents

Methodology / Approach

A computer vision system made with the help of opencv that can automatically detect driver drowsiness in a real-time video stream and then play an alarm if the driver appears to be drowsy.

● We utilized pre-trained a pre trained frontal face detector from Dlib’s library which is based on a modification to the Histogram of Oriented Gradients in combination with Linear  SVM for classification. 

● The pre-trained facial landmark detector inside the dlib library is used to estimate the location of 68 (x, y)-coordinates that map to facial structures on the face. The 68  landmark output is shown in the figure below. However, we utilized the 70 landmark model.

● We then calculate the aspect ratio to check whether eyes are opened or closed.

● The eye is open if Eye Aspect ratio is greater than the threshold. (Around 0.3)

● A blink is supposed to last 200-300 milliseconds.

● A drowsy blink would last for  800-900 ms. 

Technologies Used




cv2 immutils dlib scipy playsound queue time sys



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Driver drowsiness detection

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A computer vision system made with the help of OpenCV that can automatically detect driver drowsiness in a real-time video stream and then play an alarm if the driver appears to be drowsyion, can be used by riders who tends to drive the vehicle for a longer period of time that may lead to accidents