DJ Sorglos
- 0 Collaborators
This is one of my free art work projects. I intended to make some experiments in sculpting...Well after a some time the scenery had grown to a file size, which was quiete difficult to handle on my mobile workstation. So the big ones had to do the job :) ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Graphics and Media, Digital Art
Creators Artists
Intel Technologies
Intel CPU
Overview / Usage
One point was to get a high amonunt of detailing in aspect of modeling and texturing. So the ground bricks and the wall of the garage were created with single bick-meshes. Same to the details on the floor. In order to get my rendering i had to make use of my small renderpark, 4 double xeon-based workstations. Using Cinema 4D´s Team Render feature, the job could be accomplished.
Methodology / Approach
The pure Cinema 4D file has a size of 280 mb. The textures are at 650 mb on my hd. In order to keep the polygon count small, i have to create clean meshes, optimized for the project. The render technique is cpu-based , a so called offline rendering.
Technologies Used
From the start multi-core cpu´s are involved in the prduction of such images. While my mobile workstation is equipped with one processor, the combination of my workstation is the only way to create the renderings. For further post production mutipass layers are used here. C4D´s Team Render allows to render with different machines on one project. The ram consumption goes from 48 gb on the main machines to nearls 20 gb on the render clients. Raytraycing is the standard here, of course.