Different sorting algorithms comparison based upon the time complexity

Yash Chauhan

Yash Chauhan

Vadodara, Gujarat

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  • 0 Collaborators

Sorting is a huge demand research area in computer science. . The main aim of using sorting algorithms is to make the record easier to search, insert, and delete. We’re analysing a total of five sorting algorithms: bubble sort, selecting sort, insertion sort, merge sort and quicksort. ...learn more

Project status: Concept

PC Skills

Intel Technologies

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Overview / Usage

Sorting is a huge demand research area in computer science and one of the most basic research fields in computer science. The sorting algorithms problem has attracted a great deal of study in computer science. The main aim of using sorting algorithms is to make the record easier to search, insert, and delete. We’re analysing a total of five sorting algorithms: bubble sort, selecting sort, insertion sort, merge sort and quick sort, the time and space complexity were summarized. Moreover from the aspects of the input sequence, some results were obtained based on the experiments. So we analysed that when the size of data is small, insertion sort or selection sort performs well and when the sequence is in the ordered form, insertion sort or bubble sort performs well. In this paper, we present a general result of the analysis of sorting algorithms and their properties. In this paper a comparison is made for different sorting algorithms.

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