- Projects 1
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Parth Soni
Bengaluru, Karnataka
The model focuses on predicting the crop yield in advance by analyzing factors like district (assuming same weather and soil parameters in a particular district), state, season, crop type using various supervised machine learning techniques. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
oneAPI, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud
The model focuses on predicting the crop yield in advance by analyzing factors like district (assuming same weather and soil parameters in a particular district), state, season, crop type using various supervised machine learning techniques. This helps the farmers to know the crop yield in advance to plan and choose a crop that would give a better yield.
We have done our project using python in jupiter. We imported crop prediction dataset which includes State_Name,District_Name,Crop_Year,Season,Crop,Area,Production . We depicted scatter plot diagram that is linear regression and Random forest regression.
This file will give you the overview of the how crop can be predicted based on different criterias.
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Bengaluru, Karnataka