Characterizing and Modeling Non-Volatile Memory Systems

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We design LENS and VANS, a low-level performance profiler for NVRAM systems and an architecture-level memory simulator that models the recently released Optane DIMM memory system. Both LENS and VANS are flexible to be used with other NVRAM systems beyond the current Optane DIMM design. ...learn more

Project status: Concept


Intel Technologies
oneAPI, Optane, DevCloud

Overview / Usage

Recent Optane DIMM profiling shows different performance characteristics compared to many previous NVRAM studies. However, most of the Optane DIMM studies focus on system-level performance analysis and system software design. Industrial documents indicate that the memory controllers and Optane DIMMs adopt more complex microarchitecture designs than conventional DRAM DIMM-based memory systems, but without many of the details. These challenges motivate us to explore microar-chitecture design and memory system modeling based on real NVRAM products.

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