Artistic Style Transfer
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Keras Implementation of the famous paper: "A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style" by Gatys et al. ...learn more
Overview / Usage
This is an implementation of the algorithm described in the paper: "A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style" by Gatys et al. (Sep 2015) arXiv:1508.06576v2 [cs.CV].
Compared results from different optimization algorithms (eg, Adam, L-BFGS) and different combinations of style and content weights and different layers for style and content features selection. Deployed the system on Amazon Web Services EC2 Instance and for the local system, created a simple GUI.
The system is based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network, that creates the artistic image of high perpetual quality, combining the content (eg, borders, shapes) of one image with the artistic style (eg, colours, brush strokes) of another image.