Fake Product Review Monitoring System
- 0 Collaborators
A big problem on the internet is that companies post fake reviews to sell their products or to disturb their competitors. A user has no idea if a product review is fake or genuine. To solve this problem build a system that can track the IP addresses and use opinion mining to find out the fake review ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Intel Technologies
Overview / Usage
The scope and need for online markets and e-commerce platforms are on the rise and many people buy products from these platforms. The number of feedbacks for products, as a result, are also present in detail for users to analyze the product they are buying. This can work against the users as well because users can sometimes bombard the review section with extreme opinion comments which can work in favor of or against the product. Thus, we need to take care of this because this can be done either by the merchant to increase the value of his product or the user to degrade the ratings of that product.
Features Used:
- Sentimental Analysis
- Content Similarity
- Latent Semantic analysis (LSA)
Methodology / Approach
Methods used to determine Fake Reviews
- Reviews which have a dual view
- Reviews in which the same user promoting or demoting a particular brand
- Reviews in which person from same IP Address promoting or demoting a particular brand
- Reviews that are posted as a flood by the same user all the reviews are either positive or negative.
- Reviews which are posted as a flood by the same person from same IP Address
- Similar reviews posted in the same time interval
- Reviews in which Reviewer using arming tone too by the product
- Reviews in which reviewer is writing his own story
- Meaningless Texts in reviews