Air pollution Monitoring System

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The project mission was to develop a system for monitoring air pollution by Kenyan industries. ...learn more

Internet of Things

Overview / Usage

The aim of the project was create a simple way to monitor gas emissions by the National Environmental Management Authority. Government policies on pollution have failed in their implementation due to low budgets and inadequate human resource to enforce the policies.
The system made use :
Intel Edison Board ,2x16 LCD , Buzzers , Servo ,Relay , MQ2 & MQ7 Gas Sensors , ThingSpeak Cloud platform and ahosted website. Edison board collected smoke emission data from the gas sensors and streamed live data to ThingSpeak platform for storage and aggregation. The hosted website then queried the cloud platform for data and provided a monitoring platform for the authority.
This simple project demonstrated the power of internet of things in solving problems where conventional means have failed. I plan on expanding the project to acquire more data and incorporate machine learning to generate trends in emissions in order to develop more effective policies .

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