A Barebones Image Retrieval System

Sayak Paul

Sayak Paul

Kolkata, West Bengal

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This project presents a simple framework to retrieve images similar to a query image. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Artificial Intelligence

Intel Technologies
Intel Python

Code Samples [1]

Overview / Usage

This project presents a simple framework to retrieve images similar to a query image.

Methodology / Approach

This project presents a simple framework to retrieve images similar to a query image. The framework is as follows:

  • Train a CNN model (A) on a set of labeled images with Triplet Loss (I used this one).
  • Use the trained CNN model (A) to extract features from the validation set.
  • Train a kNN model (B) on these extracted features with k set to the number of neighbors wanted.
  • Grab an image (I) from the validation set and extract its features using the same CNN model (A).
  • Use the same kNN model (B) to calculate the nearest neighbors of I.

Technologies Used




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