30 Grad ( making of)
- 0 Collaborators
This project is one of my non-commercial art works. Besides the detailing, some new features of Cinema 4 D from Maxon computer in the texturing area came into relevance here. ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Graphics and Media, Digital Art
Creators Artists
Intel Technologies
Intel® Core™ Processors
Overview / Usage
For my free art works , i put my focus on every day sceneries. I´m not working from photografic references. All images of that kind are "pure inventions " and a product conceptual artistic approaches. In general the workflow is one of a more non-linear kind, a process of try and error in some aspects. I added a link to my facebook- web site, whre you are able to download a making-of article i made for the magazine Digital Production, some time ago . due to the fact, that it is a German magazine, it´s written in German.
Methodology / Approach
The scene file contains quiete a lot of meshes and textures. The polycount went towards 3000000 at the end with approximately 2 gb of bitmap-textures in total. One of the most demanding points here was the usage of blurry reflections, sculpted meshes and displacement. My free art works are rendered to be printed in sizes of up to 2 meters in the longes direction. Doing it that way i often get resolutions up to 12k for the final image.. The memory load here went into the area of 60 gb during the rendering.
Technologies Used
At this time i used one single workstation only with two Xeon X 5560 in one machine. There was no need to hurry and there for i was able to do my commercial projects on other computers. The making-of images were rendered on HP mobile workstation with a single Core 7i Pro- cpu.