Future Worlds Symposium
Digital technologies are opening up a new paradigm for the future world and fast transforming our society. Intelligent Homes, Smart Buildings, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Autonomous Cars and Automated Factories are opening up new possibilities for how we interact with the world in our daily lives.
Future Worlds will connect Smart Cities, Autonomous Cars and Autonomous Worlds, Virtual Reality, AI and Machine Learning, Human Computer Interfaces, Internet of Things, Drones and Robotics, Cloud, Data Analytics and Cybersecurity.
New IT applications today are more and more driven by the need to be powered by AI with input from the IoT. This need for more intelligent applications are driven by expectations of end users like you and I, end users who have become accustomed to applications being more intelligent and can enhance our day-to-day experience.
The Future Worlds Symposium, organized by ACM Sacramento Chapter was conducted at Sacramento Public Library and included Keynotes, Panels, Technical Sessions, Lightning Talks, Posters, Booths and Demos and a lot of discussion - demos were organized on AI and Machine Learning and also on Intel Reference Implementations using Open VINO, by students trained at Los Rios Community College District and Sacramento State University as well as by ACM Professionals
We had some cool Intel Innovators participation and speaking - Thanks Bob Duffy, Peter Ma!!!