Happy International Women's Day!
Today is International Women's Day, and to celebrate, we're honoring our fantastic female Intel Software Innovators. These women are strong, fearless, innovative technologists that are literally changing the world, one project at a time, all over the globe. These influential women provide direct leadership to their fellow developers in a variety of ways, anything from co-founding a volumetric video start-up in Texas to AI classes in Nigeria impacting hundreds of people. We are privileged to walk alongside these amazing women as they make an impact!
Update: Here are just a few of the events that our Innovators led around diversity in tech this month: check out this post to find out more!
Check out just a few of our incredible female Intel Software Innovators in the profiles below:
Francesca Tosi: Bringing Mathematical Elegance to Developer Solutions: Francesca discusses her work in high performance computing, theoretical mathematics, and AI as applied to real world applications.
Amelie Rolland: Using AI to Tackle Environmental Cleanup: Amelie aims to use AI to solve global problems: read more on how she's accomplishing just that.
Vaidheeswaran Archana: Working to Close the Gender Gap in STEM Careers: Check out how one Innovator lives out her passion for knowledge sharing and empowering women to pursue work in STEM fields.
Geeta Chauhan: A Passion for AI Possibilities, a Concern for our Environment: Today, Geeta is Head of AI Practice at Silicon Valley Software Group based in San Francisco, and CTO of DeepCloud AI, a startup building an AI-driven cloud computing platform for running decentralized applications for IoT and Web 3.0. Read more about her journey.
Stacy Devino: Perfecting the Fine Art of the Hack: Read more about expert Android developer and all-around hacker (100x Nintendo controller, anyone?) Stacy Devino.
Alex Porter: Humanizing the Digital World with 3D Volumetric Animations: Read how Innovator Alex Porter co-designed a tool that is cheaper, faster and easier for studios who have a need to create volumetric capture assets without the constraints of other models.
Alice Mo: Create Stunning Visuals on a Limited Budget: Read how Alice and her team at Edsenses demonstrate how they’ve been able to save time and money by creating GPU-like graphics using only CPUs.
Tejumade Afonja: Making a Difference in Nigeria: Tejumade is hard at work building up the AI community, for both men and women, in Nigeria. Read more about these amazing efforts.
Rose Day: Analyzing Environmental Changes and How They Impact Your Health: Most recently Rose won the Intel AI Interplanetary challenge. Find out what else is going on with this versatile developer.
Manisha Biswas: Building a Community for Women in Technology: Manisha is the driving force behind the Women in Technology movement in Kolkata, India. Find out more about this innovative developer.
Macy Kuang: Meditation and Virtual Reality: Find out more about Macy Kuang: Internet of Things pioneer, Android expert, YouTube Channel host, founder of her own game development company, Google Developer Expert, and Intel® Software Innovator.
Christie Osarenren: From Mathematics to Big Data, AI, and Computer Programming: AI and big data as a catalyst for innovation is what Christie gets excited about. Read more about this Innovator's journey.
Lilli Szafranski and Project Stoicheia: Watch to see Lilli's project Stoicheia, which combines classic antiquity and state-of-the-art technology in a digital stained-glass dodecahedron that uses a continuous, random software algorithm to control over 2,200 LEDs.
Interested in learning more about the Intel Software Innovator program? Want to join these amazing Intel Software Innovators and start changing the world? Find out more and apply now!