Intel Software Innovators and Intel Insiders, this is a reminder that we have eliminated the DevMesh “Self-Reporting” process, which was tedious and often times a duplication of what already existed on DevMesh or Insiders Hub.
We have simplified the process, making it easier for you to get credit for the amazing work you do, simply by posting content, an event, or project you’ve created. That process for each is as follows:
Posting Content: this could be a YouTube video, blog, article about your work, etc.
• Login to DevMesh or Insiders Hub
• Go to the dropdown menu with your name and avatar and select “My Posts”
• Go to “ Write a new post”
• Choose the website where you want the post to appear: DevMesh, Insiders, or both
• Fill out the pertinent info: “Title, Excerpt, and Hero Image (highly recommended), etc.”
• Check the box that states, “This blog, post or video is external to the site” and add the external URL in the “External URL” window
• Optionally Include any relevant “Intel Technologies” from the menu provided
• Same with “Topics” – these are optional and can be added from the menu provided
• Once completed you can either “Save as draft” or “Publish” via buttons at the bottom of the page. You can always update your saved posts.
Posting an Event: Did you contribute time/expertise where you presented/demoed your work to an audience either in person, or during a virtual event. Event info can be posted before or after they have taken place.
• Login to DevMesh or Insiders Hub
• Go to the dropdown menu with your name and avatar and select “My Events”
• Go to “Create a new Event”
• Note which website you want your event posted to: DevMesh, Insiders, or both
• Fill out the pertinent info: “Title, Excerpt, and Event Image, etc.”
• Add the “URL to register” (if appropriate)
• Don’t forget to add the “Event Date” and “Event Time”
• Optionally Include any relevant “Intel Technologies” from the menu provided
• Same with “Topics” – these are optional and can be added from the menu provided
• Include the “Event Place” (location) - for virtual events, simply add your location, as the event location
• You can also enter or estimate the “Number of Attendees” and “Duration of the Event”
• Once completed, publish the event via the “Publish” button at the bottom of the page
Posting a Project: Yeah, this is probably obvious, but… if you have previous projects that have new capabilities, refocused use cases, new audience, etc., you can add those as “New” projects.
• Login to DevMesh or Insiders Hub
• Go to the dropdown menu with your name and avatar and select “My Projects”
• Click on “Add Project”
• Give your project a Name
• Note which website you want your Project posted to: DevMesh, Insiders Hub, or both
• Add a “Short Summary”
• Add the “Referring Partner” if appropriate (The Mix, Unity, Epic, etc.)
• Upload a “Feature Image”
• Upload a “Homepage Thumbnail”
• Note the “Project Type” (public or private)
• Select the “Project Scope” from the drop down menu provided
• Under “Status” identify how far along your Project is: Concept, In Process, Published/in Market
• Once completed you can either “Save as draft” or “Publish” via buttons at the bottom of the page. You can always update your saved projects.
But wait – there’s more!
With this new process we have updated your profiles allowing you to see all of your activity in our program. This includes your entire history of projects, events and content, as well as a subset of code repos and videos connected to your projects. We believe these profiles are highly valuable for our dedicated program members, allowing you to see your full history of work, content and event activity in one place.
As always, we appreciate your enthusiasm, amazing work, and involvement in our Innovator program!