Intels Role in Development of IoT
Data Flood in IoT
In Modern era, Internet of Things (IoT) has proven its worth across nearly every sector, spanning from manufacturing and logistics to retail and resource management. The IoT captures data from a network of connected “things” or input devices that includes drones, delivery trucks, medical devices, security cameras, analog and digital sensors, analog input devices, and construction equipment.
While IoT sensors and devices collect tons of valuable insights, they also generate massive high-speed data streams that are very bulky and thus difficult to process, analyze, store, and secure. IoT data is also highly perishable, and without the right technique and tools, most organizations tend to miss opportunities to act on time-sensitive insights with the most potential. This results in a big loss for overall Technological Development of the sector.
As the adoption of IoT Technologies continues to rise, organizations from every sector struggle to keep up with these massive data sets expanding at exponential rates that are produced as a result of the development. As a point of reference, IoT devices and sensors for a single organization may capture gigabytes of data within a couple of hours itself.
At the same time technologies like AI, and machine learning are evolving at a break-neck pace. This means that there will be more number of Data output systems as now not only will there be analog human added inputs but data will also be created by virtual technologies like Artificial Intelligence software.
Currently, majority of the IoT platforms in use are designed to connect the various devices within a network and merge and process data streams from several heterogeneous sources as a single output. These platforms often pose many challenges to the current standards of IoT like storage and security.
But because most currently used data analytic solutions use a cloud computing based architecture called Platform as a Service (PaaS), real-time data processing isn’t possible directly.
According to a recent Dell report, the use of cloud-based systems to process IoT data has several limitations. These including security risks, latency, and missed opportunities to act on powerful and real-time insights.
While IoT data streams themselves capture what is happening in the moment, processing those data streams implies sending them to the cloud based servers for offline analysis and processing of data at a later point of time. You are also working within a system where you send information to a remote location at a volume limit that may be governed by a network bandwidth and waste storage space and computing power on unusable insights as all the data so produced is not useful and may contain a large proportion of unusable or waste data in it that can be refined only after processing.
This results into 2 major problems, one being the storage of this massive amount of Data, This is being resolved with the introduction of Cloud Storage Technology. The second is the processing of this huge data stream in a fast and efficient way. This is very important and a very essential problem to address. This is where Intel comes into picture.
Intels Role in IoT development
Intel is undoubtedly by far the largest company that can manufacture processors to meet this high demand of processing power for the IoT requirement of high speed data stream processing.
If we compare the production of intel in terms of processing power, Intel occupies a share of 65% of total production alone. Intel (65.7%) along with AMD (34.1%) constitute to nearly 99.8% of total share in the market.
Intel being a very old and reputed company has a very big Research and Development Team that has the capability to work on the real life issues in IoT and then find the best solution for it having a great edge in number and quality over its competitor AMD who occupies a large share but falls back in Quality and Number when it comes to comparison with Intel.
As per the current stand of the industry, Intel seems to be the only choice when it comes to manufacture of processing power in a fast and efficient way.
It can be said that if Intel is removed from the development of IoT it is absolutely right to say that development of IoT will be push 5 years back the line despite AMDs presence.