Quick fix for Unreal crashing with "GPU Crashed or D3D Device Removed"
I have seen a number of people asking how to fix the error "GPU Crashed or D3D Device Removed" after they have upgraded to Unreal 5 (although it is possible that this occurs in earlier versions of Unreal as well). The error is not an issue with Unreal, rather it is an issue with DirectX rendering. There are numerous suggestions about how to fix this error, from unseating and reseating graphics cards, updating drivers, and so on, but if these all fail and you can't upgrade your graphics card, what can you do?
The final "hack" is to change a couple of entries in your registry. On your machine, run the regedit application (make sure you back up your registry before you make this change as you are going to be working in the graphics section). Navigate to the following section in your registry:
What you are looking for are two entries, TdrDelay and TdrDdiDelay. If these are present, you should change the value in them to a higher amount (so, if it was set to 60, set it to 120). These values are the timeout values that will affect this error.
If these entries are not set, you need to create them as DWORD entries and set them as follows:
And that's it. The crash should now disappear.