Intel’s Google I/O Day Zero Dorm Party 2019
I was lucky enough to attend Intel’s Google I/O Day Zero Dorm Party and I have to say it was a very educational and entertaining night! This was the first time I have attended this event, and I can see why it has such a good reputation and draws such a really great crowd!
I was at the event supporting the Intel Developer Zone, talking to attendees about Developer Mesh and the Intel Software Innovator Program. For those that aren’t familiar, Developer Mesh is ground zero for developers to post the cool and amazing projects they are working on. With over 7,000 active members and over 1,700 projects posted, Developer Mesh (aka DevMesh) is a really great way for developers to show off the innovative things they are building using Intel technology. Registration is free and we encourage all developers working with Intel technology to sign up and join!
I was also talking to attendees about the Intel Software Innovator Program. The Innovator Program is all about supporting independent developers who are building amazing, innovative and just downright cool products or services using Intel technology. Not everyone who applies makes it into this elite group, but we do encourage you to apply! We even have a brand new application form, so make sure you have at least one project posted to DevMesh, roll the dice and send in your application
The event itself was quite amazing with 25 demos showcasing how Intel technology can support and enhance Google technology. All the developers I talked to were very interested to understand the details of the Intel demos and the technology behind them. With 25 demos, there was lots to see!
The 25 demos were split up into segments including Google Cloud Platform, AI, IoT, Chromebook Gaming, Celedon and more. Since I am the Community Manager for the new Open Visual Cloud and Scalable Video Technology (SVT) open source projects, it was great to see that the Open Visual Cloud team was there, showcasing the Content Delivery Network Transcode demo,. This demo shows that by how, running a Docker file, developers can easily set up a streaming server (ffmpeg) and a transcode server (SVT) The Docker file defaults to encoding in HEVC, but with a small change to a line of code, developers can encode the video into AV1 format.
Developers who want to learn more, are encouraged to build the Content Delivery Network Transcode Sample themselves by visiting the tutorial and other relevant links found on https://01.org/get-started-docker/dockerfiles-master-list
In the meantime, check out all the cool projects on Dev Mesh and consider registering and posting your own projects there for all to see.
Until next time…